Chantelle, RECE was hired as a supply with Sundowners on August 29, 2013, and has been a permanent employee for the last 3 years.
Chantelle has embraced the early learning and emergent philosophy in every aspect of her day and it is reflected in the programs she provides for children in her care. During her experience at Sundowners, Chantelle has worked at most of the full service centres as well as Princess Elizabeth, Dr. David Suzuki, and LaSalle Public. Most recently Chantelle is spending her time at Talbot Trail and is the second closer at OLPH. In the preschool room at Talbot Trail, Chantelle has demonstrated her knowledge and understanding of the emergent philosophy by observing children in their play and then extending their learning. Children were interested in fire trucks and what happens when a person get hurt or injured in a fire. Chantelle offered the children opportunities to explore these experiences by providing them with yellow construction vests, fire hats, and gloves used to protect their little hands, and walkie-talkies for communication between each other as they played a “fire person”. When it came time to go outside, the children decided they wanted to keep on their “gear” and move their play outdoors. Through the children’s role play Chantelle fell victim to an injury caused by a fire and the children tended to her injuries, called an ambulance and sent her to the hospital. This play extended for several weeks at the centre.
Chantelle demonstrates strong leadership skills when interacting with both the children, parents and her colleagues. Chantelle is always offering her assistance and willing to give a hand with extra tasks within the centres and is the first one to volunteer to go to help out at another centre whenever asked.
Chantelle also demonstrates initiative by doing tasks that assist the Supervisor by receiving payments and communicating with parents. Chantelle is always available to mentor or assist a new ECE student and welcomes them into our programs and ensures they meet Sundowners high quality standards.
She has made a commitment to on-going professional development and is taking advantage of all the professional development opportunities being offered for ECE’s in our community. And she is always willing to share her experiences and knowledge with others.
Chantelle is a huge asset to the organization and has a very positive attitude for the work she does and is always prepared for the day. She is warm and welcoming and has an outstanding commitment to the families and children we serve.
Please join me in congratulating this year’s Neil J. MacPhee Award of Excellence recipient Chantelle Austin.